Calendar of Events


This section lists the main events linked directly or indirectly to the Third Summit of the Americas and that will be taking place around the same time in the Québec City, Montréal, and Sherbrooke areas.

To quickly obtain a description of the event you're interested in, click on the event name in the Events column. This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change.




March 3 – April 28 Montréal La Muestra Cultural Ibero-latinoamericana de Montréal

March 7 – 11

Québec City

Cinema: Images of the New World

March 16

Québec City

Literary Magazine Nuit blanche

March 19 – 22

Québec City

Symposium of the Americas: Governance and Continental Integration

April 3 – 8 Québec City Meeting of the Regroupement des jeunes gens d'affaires du Québec (RJGAQ)
April 7 Québec City La dictée des Amériques

April 9 – 10


Symposium: The Grand Narrative of the Americas

April 10 – 15

Québec City

Salon international du livre de Québec

April 11 – 16

Québec City

Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival

April 16 – 19 Québec City Québec City Cultural Events
April 16 – 19 Québec City Parliamentary Conference of the Americas (COPA)
April 16 – 19 Québec City Québec City Salutes the Americas
April 16 – 20 Québec City Meeting of Mayors of World Heritage and Historic Cities in the Americas

April 17 – 20


Conference of Montréal – Annual forum on the globalization of economies

April 17 – 19 Québec City Hemispheric Trade and Sustainability Symposium

April 17 – 19

Québec City

Institut québécois des hautes études internationales (IQHEI) Symposium, Université Laval

April 17 – 21

Québec City

Second Peoples' Summit of the Americas

April 18 Montréal Débat de citoyens (Citizens' debates)  / Québec-Chile
April 20 – 22 Québec City The Third Summit of the Americas
April 29 – May 10 Sherbrooke,
Seminar on Cross-Culturalism and Inter-American Integration: Issues and Practices

Events around the world